The procurator fiscal for the district of Jerusalem in the province of Judea hereby gives notice that a Fatal Accident Inquiry is to be held into the death of Jesus Davidson.
The purpose of the Inquiry is to:
- Establish the circumstances of the death, and
- Consider what steps (if any) might be taken to have prevented this, and other deaths in similar circumstances.
What better way to approach Easter than by looking at the facts of the death of Jesus, using the lawyer’s tools of inquiry. This event is modelled on the Scottish procedure of a Fatal Accident Inquiry, with witnesses including the soldier overseeing the death, the High Priest who instigated it, the friend Mary Magdalen who saw it and expert witness Paul of Tarsus who proposes an explanation.
Join us in Court 1 at the Court of Session, Parliament House, Edinburgh at 7.30pm on 24 March 2023 for a lively and thought-provoking evening. Bring your friends.
Tea and coffee available from 19:00. Wine and soft drinks to be served after the inquiry.